“You‘ve stolen my heart. And my ability for rational thought. Without you, I am nothing. But with you , I become so much more than I could ever be on my own. You make me a better man.”
“You‘ve stolen my heart. And my ability for rational thought. Without you, I am nothing. But with you , I become so much more than I could ever be on my own. You make me a better man.”
“I see you. I understand you. I feel your presence even when I don‘t have you before me. You haunt my dreams, and you haunt my days. My life is nothing without you in it.”
“Things have a funny way of gaining importance once they‘re out of one‘s grasp.” He pinned her with his gaze. “Some say love is a gift. It‘s also something you earn. Something you deserve or don‘t deserve , at times through no fault or merit of your own. It‘s something worth fighting for. Perhaps even dying for. It is often the sole difference between heaven and hell.”