Part 2 of my birthday haul. 📚📚😃It is interesting that the Backman novel has a different title from the one I ordered. I assume that this is the U.K. title? Either way, I'm looking forward to reading it!
Part 2 of my birthday haul. 📚📚😃It is interesting that the Backman novel has a different title from the one I ordered. I assume that this is the U.K. title? Either way, I'm looking forward to reading it!
This is a YA grunge take on the Orpheus myth. It follows two girls raised as sisters, one the daughter of a dead rock star and music prodigy, the other the daughter of a kitchen witch who left the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle behind. #smellsliketeenspirit #JuneTunz
I loved this trilogy based on Ovid's Metamorphoses and set in the 1990s Pacific Northwest. Some plot points revolve around music, and the titles come from Nirvana song lyrics. #maybookflowers #musicaltitles
As short as this was, it was a bit too wordy for me. Good mix of mythology and a contemporary setting but not enough substance to have me invested in the characters.