Genre : Dystopian Fiction
Author : Catherine Austen
Date Started : Oct 2, 2019
Date of Completion : ....
Brief Summary of the Book :
Genre : Dystopian Fiction
Author : Catherine Austen
Date Started : Oct 2, 2019
Date of Completion : ....
Brief Summary of the Book :
So-so half pan. Loved the concept, but I didn‘t feel that much of a connection with the characters. They don‘t change throughout the story, and everything turns out to be rainbows and sunshine. Pepper comes back somehow, without any kind of foreshadowing with how or what she did to get to Canada. Also what‘s up with Dallas? Why does he fake being vaccinated, but then he‘s all fine?
Enjoyed this far more than I was anticipating, considering it was an Overdrive whim checkout. It's sort of a Giver-esque society as far a having clear classes and job categories, then they start injecting kids with what is essentially an obedience drug. It gets a B for sometimes clunky race/class issues, but seeing the MC try to blend in when he avoids being drugged was great. Good look at the danger of using "the greater good" as justification.