A train full of sapeurs-pompiers (aka, French first responders) on their way to the World Trade Center site this morning to pay their respects. There were twelve of them, some carrying flowers.
If you want to read an amazing book about the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, try American Ground.
LauraBeth Wow - that's amazing. My office wasn't too far from Ground Zero and being so close to that as it all unfolded still impacts me. I wanted to move out of NYC immediately after 9/11 (even though it took me 4 years to finally move) and while I've been back to NYC since we moved (hubby's parents still live there), I haven't been able to go back to Ground Zero or that vicinity since 9/11 8y
ColleenLindsay @LauraBeth I see the new World Trade Center every morning when I exit the subway across the street. I don't know that the new skyline will ever look right to me. 8y