⭐️⭐️⭐️ Attenberg is an expert at family dramas. She writes believable, often relatable characters and dialogue. I saw her speak two years ago; she‘s very cool and uniquely stylish. The kind of aura that makes you want grab a coffee with her. Multigenerational family stories are not something I‘m usually drawn to. I think it‘s because they often feel similar to one another. That‘s probably an unfair generalization, but 1-2 a year is all I can do.
britt_brooke #coverlove 2mo
BarbaraBB Love the cover but I am afraid that, based on your review, it‘d be a 3⭐️ for me too - at the most. (edited) 2mo
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB She‘s tough because I always like her books, but never love. 2mo