It has some odd stories however, I couldn‘t finish the last one because it was too incoherent to me.
It has some odd stories however, I couldn‘t finish the last one because it was too incoherent to me.
About halfway through a 5+ hour drive. Listening to an audiobook, partner‘s driving and I‘m crocheting away. #audiocrafting
I truly loved 2 of these short stories. “Shiva, Open Your Eye” is a flawless Lovecraft homage, and “Bulldozer” is an Old West phantasmagoria that might be one of my favorite horror short stories period.
The rest were a little same-y. “Hallucigenia”, and “The Imago Sequence” especially were treading the same squamous ground.
It felt like Barron had one trick* he was very good at so he didn‘t really stretch himself, at least in this collection.
What an excellent short story beginning.
Further down the page we get:
“Can‘t squeeze no trigger now can I? I can squirt my initials on the ceiling.”
I'm struggling with this book. The writing and choice of words is so confusing and peculiar that I can't really focus, so a snippet of absolute clarity like this one is really welcome.
#somethingforsept - I know I've probably talked about these books before, but I don't think I talked about the best part of #weirdbooks - the covers! I'm particularly a fan of the two Library of America collections in the center (and you should really read Laird Barron if you haven't - there's a story in Imago Sequence that's Roanoke meets MK-ULTRA in Virginia).
Current reading view: Viking ships 😀 Just finished the first short story in this horror collection, which I think is supposed to be Lovecraftian. I'm not too fond of villains that explain their deeds, but the story was definitely not BAD. On to story number two!
Current reading view: Viking ships 😀 Just finished the first short story in this horror collection, which I think is supposed to be Lovecraftian. I'm not too fond of villains that explain their deeds, but the story was definitely not BAD. On to story number two!