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Die seltsamen Abenteuer des Marco Polo
Die seltsamen Abenteuer des Marco Polo | Willi Meinck
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Even though it was very heavy as trip/holiday reading I am glad I brought it along. The wrting of Menck is very colourful and derailed and the description of Marco Polos life in China has been very interesting. Again, I am not sure if the target group teenagers will feel the same. But I am definitely going to get a non-fiction version of Polos travels because this one got me jooked.

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Found this on Instagram and was laughing hard because it reminds me of my holiday reading this year. But I will proof the artist Ellis Rosen wrong. 💪💪💪

Ruthiella 😂 You can do it! 💪 3mo
Bookwomble Feeling seen! 📚👀 😂 3mo
Jari-chan Go for it!! 3mo
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Ddzmini I have about 6-7 books in my luggage right now (I leave on the 2ed to visit my daughter) and I really don‘t need all of them for a week and a half visit… but I‘ll have them 🤣🤣🤣📘📚📖 3mo
MariaW @Ddzmini It‘s good to have them with you - just in case! 🤣 3mo
MariaW @Jari-chan @Ruthiella @Bookwomble Only 40 pages left. 💪💪💪 3mo
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The last 300 pages… 🙈 Again, I think for teenagers that‘s quite discouraging.

Karisa My son is 15 and loves history. However, even he would be heading to a YouTube history show instead! 700 pages is quite a commitment. 😅 3mo
MariaW @Karisa I think so too. It says in the introduction that this volume contains both parts, so there must have been two books before. I wonder who of the publisher came up with the idea to put them together. 🤦‍♀️ 3mo
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Passing over from the adventures of young Marco Polo in Venice to his travels and enjoying the sun. 🤩🤩🤩

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After reading two Nancy Drews I needed a break and started this huge 700 page brick for teenagers. There are actually two books in it: the adventures and the travels. I just finished the first, adventure part which I liked very much - especially the skillful writing of Meinck. But I am not sure if a teenager would enjoy it that much like I did. Particularly the number of pages might be discouraging.

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Die Familien gehören sich nicht mehr selbst; das Meer teilt sie. Auf der einen Seite stehen Frau und Kinder, auf der anderen, unsichtbaren, handelt der Mann mit Gold, Diamanten, Fellen, Ziegenhäuten, Getreide und Teppichen, Ambra und Moschus, Jagdfalken und Gewürzen. Jeder Jahr opfert der Doge dem Meer einen goldenen Ring, vermöhlt Venedig mit dem Meer. Ein heidnischer, teuflischer Brauch!

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