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A New Philosophy of Opera
A New Philosophy of Opera | Yuval Sharon
4 posts | 1 read | 1 to read
From "the most imaginative director in the US" (New York Times) comes this generational work with a vision for transforming opera into a powerhouse cultural phenomenon.
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Yuval Sharon‘s passion for his topic shines through on every page of this engaging, accessible book. While he does assume you‘ve got some basic opera knowledge, there‘s enough context here for even neophytes to follow along with each of his points—and to interrogate those points against their own experience of the performing arts. I had an excellent time doing just that, and now I‘m all fired up to explore EVEN MORE OPERA. Highly recommended.

xicanti More detailed review on Instagram, as per usual with ARCs: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_tcCYbSrnV/?igsh=Ymg4MWY1aHgyM3V0 2mo
dabbe C.🐾.S.🐾.Y! 🖤🖤🖤 2mo
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I finally found a decent Kindle case! Now I can read ARCs in style, starting with the back half of the tagged book. It‘s got me thinking good and hard not just about opera but about performance in general.

I also ordered vegan poke. The “tuna” is marinated watermelon, and it WORKS. Texture‘s good, flavour‘s better. Would eat again.

lil1inblue That vegan poke sounds amazing! Great kindle cover, too! 3mo
xicanti @lil1inblue the watermelon tuna was SO GOOD. 🤤 I‘m so glad I saw the case at the thrift store, too, because it‘s one of my favourite designs. I have the iPad version but I had to retire it because it‘s falling apart. 3mo
MemoirsForMe Hmm…tuna and watermelon. I must give that a try! 🍉 3mo
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xicanti @UwannaPublishme it was so, so good. 3mo
TieDyeDude That sounds delightful. I had watermelon in a vegan sushi roll before, no complaints. 3mo
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I stopped off for a cappuccino and some opera criticism courtesy of this fascinating book. I‘m always excited about opera, but it‘s got me EVEN MORE EXCITED ABOUT OPERA THAN USUAL! The chunk I just read was about opera as a nonchronological art, and I dunno if the ARC‘s formatting jumbled the timeline and the illustrations up or if Sharon intended it to appear like that, but either way, it gets the point across.

Cuilin This looks so intriguing. I was a Met Opera educator for years. We worked to bring Opera to a younger audience and make it less “elite”. Stacked. 4mo
xicanti @Cuilin this is definitely the book for you! There‘s a big focus on envisioning opera as a dynamic art form with a much broader appeal than the establishment insists on. 4mo
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Yesterday was my birthday! I woke up to the news I was approved for an ARC of the tagged book, about which I am SO EXCITED. I can‘t wait to dig into it.

I also got a couple of bookish presents: a new Kobo case and a mystery my mother won in a contest. And I took myself off to the thrift store in the afternoon, there to find a functional beige iPad case I transformed with some glitter mist because no device of mine will dress like Colin Robinson.

Tamra Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉 4mo
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 4mo
BarbaraJean Happy Birthday!! 🎉 📚 🎉 4mo
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JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy birthday 🎉🎈🎊🎂 4mo
dabbe HB! ❤️💙❤️ 4mo
LiteraryinPA Glad that you gave it some pizzazz! 4mo
llwheeler Happy birthday! 4mo
CarolynM Happy birthday 🎂🎈🥳 4mo
NatalieR Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉 📚 4mo
youneverarrived Happy belated birthday 🩷 4mo
xicanti @LiteraryinLawrence it was mighty necessary. 4mo
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