This is the weakest of the first three World's Finest arcs because of its cliche AI-gone-haywire plot, but Dan Mora's art is marvelous and he gets to draw virtually the entire Justice League plus a ton of other characters.
This is the weakest of the first three World's Finest arcs because of its cliche AI-gone-haywire plot, but Dan Mora's art is marvelous and he gets to draw virtually the entire Justice League plus a ton of other characters.
Mark Waid & Dan Mora are truly a winning combo.
The bad date intro story wasn't my thing, but I loved seeing the all star cast coming out for the main story line, learning about characters I haven't encountered before, and the AI/robot theme feels timely. This World's Finest series tends to offer some jovial moments between heroes even amidst high stakes engagements, and I prefer that in my superhero stories. Eagerly anticipating the next volume!
Diana blasé with the gauntlets meanwhile Boy Wonder is trying to avoid being laser fricassee. 😂
I can't decide whether the Batman/Green Arrow banter or the 'Yo Mama' from Blue Beetle is my favourite moment here. 😂