Started today.
Started today.
Can I finish this one in time to give it to the intended recipient for Christmas? We‘ll see! Shopping is 99% done, baking is 90% done, Christmas letter is 100% written and 0% printed, cards are 0% addressed, wrapping is 0% done. Despite the 0% stuff, I may just 100% settle into the book anyway. 😂
There‘s so much to really like about this book- a walk through the Grand Canyon that showcases the geology, extreme conditions, wildlife, geology and physical exertion. Funny in parts, nostalgic in others, this is an enjoyable read for anyone who loves the Grand, backcountry hiking, survival stories and learning about the indigenous peoples who live(d) there.
This was FASCINATING. I‘ve been lucky enough to visit the canyon twice (so far) and it is just so awe inspiring. I appreciated this story of two guys hiking the whole damn thing (in sections), how inept they were, particularly at the beginning, and the friends and support they had to get it done. I also appreciated the history of the park, and how the native peoples were treated by the white settlers & when the park was established.
I liked parts of this, but feel like some stuff was just added to stretch the length.
This book is an incredible way to spend time with the canyon. I‘ll probably never hike down into it and I‘m unlikely to do a rafting trip, so this is the next best thing. Besides, after reading this book, I‘m not sure I‘d ever be capable of hiking any piece of it! There is no through trail, but veteran hikers have figured out ways to navigate the canyon, and this book does a beautiful job sharing just how incredibly difficult it is.