Such a lovely tribute to a mother and grandmother. Strength and perseverance at its best.
Such a lovely tribute to a mother and grandmother. Strength and perseverance at its best.
Saw this recommendation on Instagram from Oprah‘s bookclub for the audiobook. I love reading about this culture and I‘m not sorry I purchased the audiobook and pick-up the book from my local library. Sent a message to the author and she thanked me and hope I enjoy it. Which I can say the first chapter has already captured me!❤️❤️❤️
June 17, 2024 continued from last post... Di became a nurse and Li-Hai became a teacher in Taipei in Taiwan. She was always caring of her mom and wanted the best for her mom when she was under her wing, but her Mom didnt really care for Li-Hai to take care of her. She had her 22 year old son take care of her when he graduated from college. Not a surprise by any means
June 17, 2024 Man! Where to start!!!? I love the relationship that the author created between the main characters: Nai Nai, Yei Yei, Mom, Li-Hai, Di, Lan, and Chiao. The rest to me were not as important. The ending was happy. Happy as in Di and Li-Hai having kids and leaving "the nest". Their Mom, had another daughter and a SON. Finally a son. The Chinese government favors sons more than daughters based off of Chinese history FYI
June 17, 2024 Chung is a vivid writer. Even though the book is historical fiction, some of the chapters make you feel like you are there in-person. The emotion that she portrays is also very touching; one feels for the three daughters and her mom in almost all the chapters because of their hardships and lack of shelter, food, clothing, as well as the torture they were put through. I am almost finished with the book. Next post will be the rating!
June 13, 2024 Despite the hard, strenuous, painful and cramping conditions of their trek to Qingdao, Mom, Li-Hai, Di, and Lan manage to make it to Qingdao. Qingdao is supposedly where Father and Yei Yei are. Is this true? Did Father and Yei Yei escape and abandon them? Reading in to find out...
June 13, 2024 I just read one of the most disturbing chapters titled "Dinner Party" and the 13 year old daughter, Li-Hai, decides for the Communist to take her instead of her Mom. Neither her nor her mom or any of the family deserved to be tortured but the Communist were upset with her family, as well as other families, that they selected her bc she was young. They threw mud, rocks, dirt, and even made her kneel for 6 hours straight. BRUTAL ???
June 5, 2024 Reading these two at the SAME time. Can I do it? I hope so. One is a historical fiction while the other is romance fiction. Both of them are pretty good so far.
June 4, 2024 New bookstack for my TBR
Sneak peek of books out next week. They are ready for me to catalog.😍📚