🏅 2025 Christian Indie Awards Finalist 🏅
Personal Growth
🏅 2025 Christian Indie Awards Finalist 🏅
Personal Growth
🏅 2024 American Writing Awards Finalist 🏅
Christian Inspirational
🏅 2024 Readers' Favorite Book Awards Winner 🏅
Christian - Devotion/Study (Silver)
“Jonah Priour reaches out to readers in several ways, namely through his theological depth, engaging metaphors, personal tone, inspirational message, and balanced approach to complex ideas. All of these elements work together to make the guide accessible, meaningful, and transformative for readers seeking to understand and experience the grace of God … Well done, and highly recommended.“
~ Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite
“I would even submit that true gratitude and true humility before God are found in fully receiving and enjoying the gifts He has so generously given to us in Christ.
However one defines grace, this much is clear. Grace comes as a free gift from God. And what do you do with a gift?
You open it. You enjoy it. This is our gratitude. This is the best thing to do with grace!”
“As I have let God into the dark spaces, He has come in and filled them with His healing light. In this, I have found God to be dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. I have found Him to be miraculous.
He clothed Himself with me … and then He clothed me with Himself.”
“It begins with us letting Him into the darkness. It completes with Him shining His light.
Somehow, it‘s both. Fully. The honesty of earth meets the truth of Heaven. The cross and the resurrection. This is the completion.
And I have found the order to be key: earth is the question. Heaven is the answer.”
“This hope might have appeared to me like a cloud the size of a man‘s fist in a vast open sky, in the middle of the desert, in the middle of a drought … But there was rain in that cloud.”
Being 70 years old now, I have experienced A LOT of loss in my life. Many losses I have not yet healed from . . . and this book really helped with the process of letting go and trusting that all will weave together. In time. Through grace. Through the gift of the precious Word.
Oh, how I needed this guidance of how to begin the process of healing my understanding through taking the scriptures deep into my heart, and also simply by asking.
This is a powerful and uplifting book for anyone who has suffered loss or trauma, and that is all of us in one way or another. The author tells his story with such vulnerability and candor that it opens unexplored places in the heart and soul. I found myself led to memories that needed the healing message of love and grace, experiencing them with new awareness.
The Table of Grace is always set. Jesus welcomes us to it, longing for us to join Him.
🏅 Firebird Book Awards - 2023 Winner 🏅
(3 Categories): Christian Nonfiction, Grief, New Nonfiction (First time published)