I have officially entered my poetry era! Focusing on LGBTQ+ feminist and/or political poetry; a bleary-eyed insomnia-fuelled Internet search inspired a vast love for Zoe Leonard, who penned I Want a President in 1992 for an LGBTQ+ magazine when - queer activist & poet - Eileen Myles announced that she was running for the presidency of the US as an independent candidate against Bush & Clinton.
[image description: blurred words in case of triggers]
TheIntrovertedDodoBird What's startling is the relevance Leonard's poem still has today, especially when it was erected on the High Line, Manhattan, in the 2016 presidential elections. Leonard said that she probably wouldn't write this exact poem today as her views on identity politics have changed, but I just find it incredible - not the mention shocking - that the relevance is just a poignant in 2024! Diving into her artwork next! 12mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird [image description: its errors were left uncorrected when published in 1992] *hence said errors* 12mo