⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Oof—this guy (Dalio) come off as a psychopath in this book. I read his book Principles a few years ago and remember finding it interesting, although I couldn‘t tell you what any of the principles were. This portrayal is rough. In addition to him being an abusive boss, the lack of any validation or testing of the tools he touts as the keys to everything is just 🤯. Worth a read if you like investigative journalism, esp. around business!
JanuarieTimewalker13 Currently reading. This is one mixed up, vile man. I don‘t care how “brilliant” he is or how much money he has. 2w
fredthemoose @JanuarieTimewalker13 Dude! What a sociopath!! 2w
JanuarieTimewalker13 Yes!! I‘m not even half way through the audiobook, so I‘ll be back!! I keep shaking my head and have no one to discuss this with!! 2w
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Until you, that is!!! 2w
JanuarieTimewalker13 https://youtu.be/qIkQEgRhfGE?si=fjqwB9WCdCN_Pd3M 2w
JanuarieTimewalker13 You may be interested in this video 2w