4 ⭐ There is nothing wrong with being a nerd unless, if you‘re introverted and keep to yourself and are quiet and meek. Then you‘re invisible. But some people they really come alive at ComiCon. That‘s the case with our main character. She has a ComiCon character she‘s completely invented for herself, which is a Victorian steampunk ask character named Rel. As Rel she can do anything and be anyone. She has the confidence to leave an illustration
LibrarianRyan and a poem with an email address in the locker of the boy that she likes. However, her everyday persona of Ramona is the mild meek and quiet nerdy girl. Most of the family, be it mom and dad or the cousins, don‘t understand her nerdiness, and there is even a part of the story that shows how separate Ramona feels from her family. Her extended cousins don‘t think of her as “black” enough because she‘s a nerd. Overall, this was a really fun, cute, 2y
LibrarianRyan lighthearted, love story. It does date itself. It‘s brand new but many of the pop-culture references are already a year or two at a date and that‘s just going to continue as this book ages. So, while I did think it was fun, it‘s fun for right now. It will not become a classic, but it doesn‘t have to. They‘ll be some nerdy black girl who will see this and go” This is the story I need. This is me. And I feel seen.” 2y
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