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Realismo Capitalista
Realismo Capitalista: no hay alternativa? | Mark Fisher
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"Como dijera alguna vez Fredric Jameson, hoy parece "ms fcil imaginar el fin del mundo que el fin del capitalismo". Despus de la cada del muro de Berln, el capitalismo logr erigirse como el nico sistema poltico-econmico viable; una situacin que la crisis bancaria de 2008, lejos de poner fin, agrav. Este libro analiza los principales rasgos y mecanismos de este realismo capitalista, como el marco ideolgico en el cual vivimos. Utilizando ejemplos de la poltica, el cine, la msica y la literatura, Mark Fisher demuestra de qu manera el realismo capitalista permea todas las reas de la experiencia contempornea, cubriendo el horizonte de lo pensable y obturando la capacidad de imaginar un nuevo escenario cultural y sociopoltico. El famoso eslogan de Margaret Thatcher, segn el cual "no hay alternativa", situ al liberalismo econmico y con ello al libre comercio y la desregulacin del mercado como el mejor y nico modo para organizar las sociedades modernas. Realismo capitalista indaga en los numerosos efectos nocivos que esta "ontologa de los negocios" tiene para la vida pblica, dejando al desnudo que el capitalismo es todo menos un orden natural inevitable y eficiente. La precarizacin del trabajo, la intensificacin de la cultura del consumo, la expansin de la burocracia y de los mecanismos de control social, la gerencializacin de la poltica, la mercantilizacin de la educacin y el aumento de padecimientos mentales como el estrs, la depresin y los desrdenes de atencin se muestran bajo esta perspectiva ya no como "errores honestos" de un sistema que tiende al bien comn, sino como dispositivos orientados a bloquear toda capacidad colectiva de transformacin. Ante este escenario, el nico antdoto posible esbozado por Fisher en los dos textos que componen el Apndice y que se agregan especialmente para esta edicin, pasa por la revitalizacin de una esfera pblica que asuma las races sociales de nuestra infelicidad."--
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i‘m so disappointed because this book is so widely hyped but i actually hated it ☹️ there‘s a lot of bits and pieces of brilliant analysis but overall i felt like it was indulgent to the point of being obnoxious and that fisher takes for granted that the reader is familiar w/ post-structuralism which i‘m not really. i can see why some people really like it but it‘s not my thing... 😣


[Capitalism] is a system which is no longer governed by any transcendent Law; on the contrary, it dismantles all such codes, only to re-install them on an ad hoc basis. The limits of capitalism is not fixed by fiat, but defined (and redefined) pragmatically and improvisationally.

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I really enjoyed this little book although it is definitely heavy with academic political philosophy and psychology requiring a good deal of focus. Fisher presents here his account of how late stage capitalism “subsumes and consumes all of history,” rendering all facets of culture mere commodities such that no other system can be imagined possible. He deals with neoliberalism, Lacan, Žižek, Spinoza, Kafka and the futility of bureaucracy.

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Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism is easily the most accessible text on Late Capitalism. Fisher explains throughout how Late Capitalism has asserted itself as the final stage in history, and in its new phase has created a mental health epidemic, addicting us to a sensation-stimulus matrix of fast food and consumer bliss. It has created a Market Stalinism, a free market totalitarianism. Mark took his own life in 2017, Rest in power, Mark Fisher

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Grabbed what I could from the shelves before I leave for the airport #gottadothehashtags #rainbowbookstack #rainbowspines

shawnmooney Excellent Women! ❤💜❤💜❤💜 I am reading all of Pym's novels in sequence, and loved this one so much! 8y
Reviewsbylola 🌈🌈🌈 8y
batsy @shawnmooney this is the only Pym I've read and I would like to try reading the rest in sequence 8y
shawnmooney Great! It was her second novel so you'd only need to back up to do 8y
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