Book mail! 😍 I can‘t wait to dive into Red London by the amazing Alma Katsu soon!
Book mail! 😍 I can‘t wait to dive into Red London by the amazing Alma Katsu soon!
The follow up to Red Widow doesn‘t disappoint! I love the character of Lindsey Duncan. Alma Katsu delivers another fantastic spy thriller that will have you turning pages so fast to get to the end.
#almakatsu #spythriller #redlondon #thriller
The newest Red Widow mystery is set in a world that is both post-Putin and post-Ukrainian war. It focuses on the relationship of Russia‘s new (and fictional) government with its oligarchs. Lyndsey Duncan finds herself smack in the middle of all the conflict and uncertainty as she works a case with her employer, the CIA.
Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2022 #thxnetgalley