Oh customer service...
In their graphic memoir, American cartoonist Will Betke-Brunswick documents, in slice-of-life moments, a 10 month period during which they came out as genderqueer and at the same time their beloved mother was dying of cancer. Their choice to portray everyone as cute anthropomorphic birds helps to lift the overall tone from sadness to warmth and humour. Maia Kobabe calls it “deeply human” and I concur. #LGBTQ #TransGirlApril
There are many ways to be genderqueer. I like how this memoir shows the author‘s father struggling to come to terms with his nonbinary offspring‘s gender identity.
I‘m always curious (nosy?) about what‘s in other people‘s fridges. Plus, this panel sent me to the internet to find out what‘s a macoun. (It‘s a variety of apple.)
Recently there was a hashtag/readathon highlighting trans/non binary books & authors and this caught my eye. (Sorry, I forget the hashtag). This is an excellent graphic memoir where the author is dealing with being at college, coming out as genderqueer, and being with their family as mom does her best to fight cancer. Sentimental and emotional, but not overly so somehow. #bookspinbingo #bookspin book
This is a beautiful, moving graphic memoir sharing the journey of the author‘s family through the 10 months following their mother‘s terminal cancer diagnosis. Full of funny, touching moments and memories. It made me laugh, and it made me cry - in that needed pent up grief releasing sort of way. All humans in the book are drawn as birds - the author‘s family as penguins, which I think (perhaps strangely) made them feel even more relatable. ❤️
This was an affecting graphic memoir. It deals with the author‘s mom‘s dying from an aggressive form of cancer and the family coping with the situation. The author manages to depict their own coming out as genderqueer and not muddle the two subjects. The story is told chronologically, with short flashbacks in between. It highlights the humor and love shared among the family members, and their deep sadness at the situation. Subtle and remarkable!⬇️