I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
Y'all know that I would never miss a Viola Shipman or Wade Rouse book so it's no surprise that I loved this one. It has it all! A unique twist on a holiday story, mystery and romance, and generations of history - that will all tug at your heart strings. Your life can change in the blink of an eye, in the space of a few minutes, over the course of a year. And for Susan, all of these things are true. With 2 generations of(cont in comments)
Y'all know that I would never miss a Viola Shipman or Wade Rouse book so it's no surprise that I loved this one. It has it all! A unique twist on a holiday story, mystery and romance, and generations of history - that will all tug at your heart strings. Your life can change in the blink of an eye, in the space of a few minutes, over the course of a year. And for Susan, all of these things are true. With 2 previous generations(cont in comments)
While at the surface this book seems like it is all light and fluff, and while a good part of it is, it also tackles the topic of forgiveness and how important it is in life! I absolutely loved this and couldn‘t put it down!
Stopped in one of my favorite little eateries for lunch today and had some sweet potato tots covered with cheese and bacon! 😋 Yum! 😋 I also started my first official holiday book of the season! It's set in Michigan and the author is from Michigan too! So neat!
Where is @MrBook when you need him? Tots always make me think of him! 🥹
This book has a silly plot, but Shipman knows that and leans into it. Susan‘s grandmother and mother both met and fell in love with their husbands when the men were wearing Santa suits. Susan feels as if it‘s her destiny to also meet her true love in the same way. Surprisingly, this book also manages to address grief and its impact. It‘s a perfectly fine, if a bit too long, winter romance. #aidiowalk
I actually think this would make a cute Hallmark Christmas movie. Susan‘s expectations for romance are a little too driven by the histories of her parents and grandparents, but I‘m sure it will work out for her though. I‘m all cozy in bed now after walking right before the rain — reading and binging Supernatural. #audiowalk
Susan is annoying me. Mainly because she blames herself for everything— even things that clearly aren‘t her fault, like a grandparent‘s heart attack. Maybe I find it so annoying because I often do that and reading about someone doing it makes me see how ridiculous it is. Got a walk in before the rain. #audiowalk
The main character in this book, Susan, is named after the little girl in Miracle on 34th Street. Her family loves Christmas; her grandparents play Mr. & Mrs. Claus every year. Susan owns a bookstore called Sleigh by the Bay. Since I‘m listening to it, I didn‘t see the spelling and assumed it was a mystery bookshop called Slay by the Bay until she started talking about how the logo looked like a sleigh. #audiowalk Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃
This is my new walking book and the start of my winter themed reading. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving to start that since so many of them, including this one, involve Christmas, but I went ahead and started it anyway. It‘s warmer than it has been, but today was rainy. #audiobook
This is a good one! Check it out!