The tagged goes for my romance category. #ssrc
Not really my thing. Some of the themes fell flat for me. Especially in the epilogue. I could tell this book was originally a standalone and then it morphed into the first in a series. Ah, well, sometimes it's just not the right fit.
Almost finished with this one. Distinctly more bible thumpy towards the end. While still enjoyable I don't think I'll be in a hurry to read the rest.
My handle is what I'm known by on all socials. At first I was baker street reads. Then I settled on what I have now because I enjoy reading backlist titles and discovering hidden or forgotten gems.
I listen to audiobooks or podcasts before I sleep. I don't like to split my focus.
My most recently finished book was Annie Bot
Getting a tad bible thumpy for my taste. Willing to stick it out as the story is not abhorrent.
Currently reading. Almost halfway through. Im enjoying it. She is a great author.