Another buddy read with my kiddo. This one reminded me a lot of The Girl's I've Been (Tess Sharp) and Nowhere Girl: A Memoir Of A Fugitive Childhood (Cheryl Diamond).
Another buddy read with my kiddo. This one reminded me a lot of The Girl's I've Been (Tess Sharp) and Nowhere Girl: A Memoir Of A Fugitive Childhood (Cheryl Diamond).
This is a light pick for me. I didn‘t mind reading it, but I figured out the secret pretty early and it exceeded my limits of believability a bit too much to be truly enjoyable. Katrina and her family are frequently on the run from their past, and she decides it‘s finally time she learns the truth. As she starts to learn more with the help of a new friend, it seems everything she thought she knew was based on lies.
#MiddleGrade #TRS2022
Here we‘ve got a family in witness protection, narrated by the daughter. It‘s a pretty far fetched story but I read to the end. There is one big twist in the middle that kept me reading. Not much character development, a not to be believed story, and a writing style that I wasn‘t that crazy about. Still, it‘s a so-so read.