Happy Friday everyone! Nothing puts me in a better mood than reading another issue of Saga. Can‘t wait for the new issue to come out in January 🤩
Happy Friday everyone! Nothing puts me in a better mood than reading another issue of Saga. Can‘t wait for the new issue to come out in January 🤩
Seven missed #NCBDs means I had a HUGE stack of comics to pick up today. 47 issues in total—Twig, Strange Academy, Saga, Star Wars, Little Monsters, Slumber, Wonder Woman, Seven Secrets, That Texas Blood, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Radiant Black, Skottie Young variant covers, and so more…😍
While I enjoyed this final entry of what will be Volume 10, does anyone else feel a bit underwhelmed by the plot progression in issues 55-60? Maybe it has just been the experience of reading each issue slowly over the course of the past 6 months, but it feels like barely anything happened, despite the frequent cliffhangers.
(*long string of swear words*) Just rip my beating heart out of my chest and shred it as I watch, slowly dying, why don‘t you? It would be less painful that reading this issue. I‘ll be over here in my corner sobbing until the next issue is released.
It's Saga Day again folks! I have really been enjoying Fiona Staples' art since Saga's return & this issue is no exception.