Architectural history of the rise and fall of the shopping mall. Also offers some insight into what could be the future of malls. Sometimes dry, but otherwise interesting for readers who grew up when shopping malls were a big deal.
Architectural history of the rise and fall of the shopping mall. Also offers some insight into what could be the future of malls. Sometimes dry, but otherwise interesting for readers who grew up when shopping malls were a big deal.
This sounded so interesting, but I have been trying to read it for a week and am only 40 pages in. It is now overdue at the library so going to bail. Skipped to the mall girl pop section. I am a bit bummed this didn't work for me as I know she tackles interesting topics from architecture and urbanization to mall walking, block parties and the idea of public spaces.
I might pick it up again later when I am in a different mood.
Great cultural, design, & social history of the mall .The rush to the suburbs, who it was designed to attract & exclude.The return to the urban, like the Ferry building renewal in San Francisco.The generations of teens that first experienced freedom left at the mall by the parents, the same generation whose first job may have been at the same mall , or they just loved hanging at the food court or the arcade.Highly recommended!
Oh the nostalgia. Love, love, love unique histories full of information, photos, personal story memories/narratives, the who-what-when-where-why-how of culture and differences around the world or even generation to generation. This title is newer and even has chapters post Covid-19 pandemic and the hopeful future for "malling".
When I was a teenager the mall was the place to go.We hung out met our friends ate cheap food and had so much innocent fun.Really excited to read this book full of information about the iconic mall.