Well, this lil dally into horror was a bit of a fail. Interesting premise that took too much of a walk to get to, then crash ending that was bewildering. Maybe if you‘re into Lovecraft you‘ll get more from this?
Well, this lil dally into horror was a bit of a fail. Interesting premise that took too much of a walk to get to, then crash ending that was bewildering. Maybe if you‘re into Lovecraft you‘ll get more from this?
A few days late, hope it still counts 😉
“Eleven months after her husband Arthur swerved around a stopped school bus and mowed down two first graders and got sentenced to twenty years, Millie Two Bears went to war against the prairie dogs.“
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It was weird, but I loved Frog. 3⭐
Read full review: http://www.fredasvoice.com/2022/05/the-backbone-of-world-stephen-graham.html
My inadvertent month of short stories continues.
I realize that I am a SGJ fangirl, but being completely objective, this is good stuff. Well-written story of a woman in a very unhappy place in her life who decides to tackle a prairie dog incursion. A quick read, not overtly horror… but the creeping dread as the story unfurls is so good.