Rating: 4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Review: I knocked off 1 star cause it slow in the beginning and toward the end as well even tho it was a sweet story about a man caring for an Alzheimer's Patient!!
Rating: 4.5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Review: I knocked off 1 star cause it slow in the beginning and toward the end as well even tho it was a sweet story about a man caring for an Alzheimer's Patient!!
Read this a while back and was sorely disappointed mostly by the ending. I find that happens to me a lot with many fiction written in our times (and chosen by Oprah 😬. Sorry!) Among other things, a lot of authors nowadays seem to me to be competing for who writes the most (gratuitously) tragic story. That's why I stick to classics a lot of the time in fiction, as well as authors that I already know I like.