I know it's really long, but I couldn't pick just one part! I'm pretty sure if you read it all you'll agree. 😁
I know it's really long, but I couldn't pick just one part! I'm pretty sure if you read it all you'll agree. 😁
My in-laws are gone after their week long stay during which we survived a bball tournament, my 5 yr old fracturing her elbow, and my fil getting into an accident in our car. I should probably be doing work, but I've never been more happy to chill with some wine and a book!
Enjoying this slightly strange read so far!! 😁
Among other formats (short story, essay, advice column, recipe, and more), it is an #epistolary novel in part as well. It is a wildly inventive and laugh-out-loud funny tale of a high school English teacher in her early/mid-20s having a nervous breakdown (ok, so that part hit a little close to home). I had so much fun reading this book a few years back...maybe it'll be my reread for this year's #ReadHarder. #ReadJanuary
#funfridayphoto I am loving this book! As silly as this cover looks, the entrails can be so hard hitting, emotional, and so poignant! It's also very creative and inventive. I can go from laughing my ass off to wanting to cry on the subway, all in one sitting! I cannot wait to read more of Kathleen founds' work! What an incredible, talented author!
First read for #hellooctober . Hoping I'll be more active on litsy this month, I miss posting!
A lovely friend & a great writer is creating a college course about how to write about illness (mental, physical, visible & invisible). She asked me for recommendations (film, poetry, fiction, visual art, essay) since I prominently write about being mentally ill. I have bipolar disorder & went through psychoses. So I ransacked my shelves & this is what came up tho It doesn't include zines. If you have any recommendations, let me know!