I get far too invested in Kelley Armatrong's characters. But I love it. Off to read the next story in the series. #73-2024
I get far too invested in Kelley Armatrong's characters. But I love it. Off to read the next story in the series. #73-2024
August‘s book club pick!
Already seems like the heroine adjusted to modern life rather easily. I feel like now that she‘s back in her own time the action will get serious and read more like a story than a summary.
If you like time travel and ghosts you will like this series. This one's answers a lot of questions from the first one. Can't wait for the others this October
My favorite read of 2021 so far is A Stitch in Time, a book that blends multiple genres seamlessly (time travel, historical fiction, paranormal, & a bit of romance). I was thrilled to learn book 2 was coming out this month and I grabbed the audiobook and devoured it in while doing all of my Thanksgiving cooking. It would take too long to do the full synopsis of this series but book 2 dealt with a lot of the same characters and is just about as ⬇️