Lazy, rainy Saturday. 🙂
Lazy, rainy Saturday. 🙂
I‘ll get straight to the point. I despise aspects of this book. Yet as it was, for the most part, well written, I don‘t hate it. Berkeley‘s views are unpalatable and fills the narrative with casual insensitivity. While the writing is witty and the plot filled with twists, the story slows to a crawl. Yes it was enjoyable to see Sheringham made the patsy, but not enough to make up for all of the moral ambiguity. #NetGalley #PoisonedPenPress
#OutstandingOctober Readathon time!!! It‘s another chance to do an ARC catch-up 😜. My goals are to read the three books on the top and complete reviews for the lower two books. Thanks for organizing this @Andrew65
Published 1984. Berkeley created Detective Roger Sheringham. A fancy-dress party with Murderers and Victims and a mock gallows. A real victim is found. Sheringham is the chief suspect. He must save his own neck from the hangman‘s rope. Typical wit and irony. Berkeley is one of the most original crime novelists. Exciting and entertaining book. I read this book for my Century of Published Mystery Books Challenge. Recommended for mystery lovers.