‘They Went Home‘, the first poem in this collection, is autobiographical, like many of Angelou‘s poems. Short but full of hurt 😞.
‘They Went Home‘, the first poem in this collection, is autobiographical, like many of Angelou‘s poems. Short but full of hurt 😞.
I have been dipping in and out of this collection of poems, some written in slangs (I have to look them up), some like song lyrics…they are tough. They‘re poems about passionate love and loss, riots, wars, ..generally they talk about the lives of the Black people in America. So much pain and anguish. ‘They Went Home‘, ‘No No No No‘, ‘My Guilt‘, ‘Harlem Hopscotch‘ are powerful.
I‘ve been on a rereading binge of favorite poems. This is an early favorite from my teenage years. #eveningsjoy
Newest library holds. Yet another book on writing and two more poetry books. Supplementing the to-read stack — wouldn‘t want to run out of library books, would I? 😉
a little Angelou for a rainy day