Discover the Power of Poe-sitive Thinking.
Not what I expected but I found it entertaining.
Discover the Power of Poe-sitive Thinking.
Not what I expected but I found it entertaining.
I enjoyed this fun little biography of Edgar Allan Poe that poses as a self-help guide for misfits. It‘s surprisingly accurate and very entertaining. If you want to embrace your inner chaos demon, this is a book for you! 💀
It‘s a very #LittensDressedInBlood event tonight, as the bookstore I work at is selling the tagged book at the author event here at Richmond‘s Poe Musuem, which is one of my favorite places in RVA.
I‘m really not into self-help books, but the premise of this proved to be too intriguing for me. I liked the author‘s humor and the biographical elements, but the self-help part wasn‘t my fave. My biggest issue is some of the life advice is actually quite good, but some is really horrible. Are readers actually supposed to take the advice seriously, or nah? That confusion kept this at a meh.
#ARC pub date 9/7