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You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin
You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin | Rachel Corbett
4 posts | 1 read | 4 to read
Paris, 1902: Renowned sculptor Auguste Rodin has just completed The Thinker. Rainer Maria Rilke is a delicate young visitor from Prague, broke and suffering from a case of writer s block. When Rilke is commissioned to write a book about Rodin, everything changes. . . .years together as master and disciple, their heartbreaking rift, and ultimately their moving reconciliation. In her vibrant debut, Rachel Corbett reveals how Rodin s influence led Rilke to write his most celebrated poems and inspired his belovedLetters to a Young Poet. She captures the dawn of modernism with appearances by Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, Lou Andreas-Salome, George Bernard Shaw, and Jean Cocteau. And she recounts the remarkable friendship of two extraordinary artists whose work continues to reverberate a century later."
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I did not have any time to read this book This weekendbecause I took a weekend road trip to see this exhibit in Dallas, Pennsylvania. I am looking forward to jumping back into the book and learning more about his life.

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Spending another evening with Rilke and Rodin!

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I did it again! I purchased a new book and started reading it before I finished the book that I just purchased two days ago. I‘m seeing a Rodin exhibit in Pennsylvania this weekend. Although I‘ve been in love with his sculptures and I‘ve seen several exhibits including his museum in Paris, I‘ve never actually read a lot about him. I‘m going enjoy this book immensely.

Abailliekaras I don't know much about Rilke, except I think I read in Stefan Zweig's memoir that he was monastic and particular, and if you lent him a book he would return it beautifully wrapped in tissue paper. I really like that image! 7y
Tjackson Only 10% into the book right now and I have learned so much about Rodin! I think I am going to like learning about them and their friendship. 7y
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Rodin Rilke their friendship their falling out their reconciliation sounds fascinating.

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