The characters are all so flawed it feels relatable. You don‘t want to like any of them but the friendship/lover dynamic puts a hard twist on a story of teens wanting resolution, and for things to change and stay the same.
The characters are all so flawed it feels relatable. You don‘t want to like any of them but the friendship/lover dynamic puts a hard twist on a story of teens wanting resolution, and for things to change and stay the same.
What the heck did I just read?! The author uses an experimental narrative structure to tell the story. When done right, this can be poignant & poetic (see: Toni Morrison). But here, I had to work overtime to make inferences about everything from characters‘ motivations to basic plot points. It‘s like I was watching the story unfold underwater. I could see shapes & movements, but grasped nothing concrete. My brain hurts, & not in a good way. ★★☆☆☆.
This was such a dreamy read! This story takes place in a small town in Maine named West Finch. 16 year old Harlow Prout sets out on an adventure.. looking for anyone and everyone willing to help save her small hometown from falling into the sea. Storms and hurricanes of years past have damaged her town little by little. The book is heartbreaking at times but in a really beautiful way.