The Justice Motive: Guilty Until Proven Innocent | Christina Fletcher
Danielle "Dani" Bynum has had more than her fair share of involvement in the criminal justice system. She's been on all sides of the spectrum, including being a defendant on trial for murder and a few years later representing her clients for murder. Dani has now crossed the line and works as an assistant prosecuting attorney in St. Louis City. Her first couple of years on the job was a breeze until her supervisor, the Circuit Attorney, gave her two high-profile cases that changed her life forever. Brandi Evans is accused of murdering her husband Pastor Lamar Evans. One of St. Louis's former top defense attorneys is the prosecutor on her case, and she knows she'll need someone willing and capable of going to war against Dani Bynum to fight her case. Brandi is desperate to prove her innocence, but with all the evidence pointing towards her and a possible justice motive, she's in what she believes is a hopeless fight for her life.Kenzo Garrett is charged with committing the heinous crime of abuse against his son. He's had a few run-ins with the law in the past, including a child endangerment charge for distributing narcotics in front of a minor. He also has a conviction of child neglect for failing to report the abuse of his son by his son's mother that he wasn't aware of. After being home for a year and completing his parole, he's faced with trouble again. He's accused of harming his son once dropping him off after a weekend visit. The CPS worker and prosecutor make his life hell and have already decided that because of his criminal record, he's guilty until otherwise proven innocent. Dani believed when she became a prosecutor, she would be making a difference but discovers she bit off more than she can chew. She gets caught up in a web of lies, deceit, and a scandal that has her convicting individuals she's not so sure are guilty. What will the outcome be for Brandi and Kenzo? Are they guilty or innocent?