Sunday reading 🥰
This was good! And not in the usual, translated-from-a-foreign-language, all-about-the-Human-Condition, depressing-as-hell kind of "good" I normally go for. It was other-people-would-actually-like-this good. But I liked it, too. It was well-written and I loved all the casual 80's references to things like phone cords and the Hamburglar.
Loved getting book mail from Thank You Books in Birmingham this weekend. Looking forward to their virtual event with Gin Phillips on Thursday.
Happy Pub Day for Gin Phillips‘ Family Law. So fun to see her for the kickoff of the Decatur Book Festival Summer Series.
New events every Tuesday in May and June. Check out the schedule here: https://decaturbookfestival.com/festival/summer-reading-2021/
Decatur Book Festival Summer Series begins tonight! Tuesday, May 4th. Hope u can join me!
Gin Phillips writes with so much foreboding. I could not put downs her latest. This one comes out May 4, but her earlier Fierce Kingdom was excellent as well. #ARC #Edelweiss