A good romantic suspense. Not bad for this authors debut novel. I liked it. It looks like it will be a book series by the way it ended.
4 stars!
A good romantic suspense. Not bad for this authors debut novel. I liked it. It looks like it will be a book series by the way it ended.
4 stars!
Julie desperately fights for her marriage—a marriage her husband Bill treats as a hobby. The less time he spends with his wife, the more time he spends with his assistant, Steffy, who wants him all for herself. She will stop at nothing to make that happen.
Will the rising suspicion of her husband‘s affair give Julie the strength to move on? Can she accept the love she deserves—more importantly, who will have to die if she does?
Julie desperately fights for her marriage—a marriage her husband Bill treats as a hobby. The less time he spends with his wife, the more time he spends with his assistant, Steffy, who wants him all for herself. She will stop at nothing to make that happen.
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