An unusual novel about mental illness and family, violence and revenge, love and secrets. It had a usual structure, cutting back and forth in time and the narrator occasionally speaks directly to the reader. Lots to think about in this book.
An unusual novel about mental illness and family, violence and revenge, love and secrets. It had a usual structure, cutting back and forth in time and the narrator occasionally speaks directly to the reader. Lots to think about in this book.
I'm not sure what to say about this. I enjoyed it. I was amused by the satire, in particular the swipes at current literary figures and the publishing world in general. But there wasn't much by way of story and what there was could be summed up as "rich people's problems". If there were any real points being made I think they passed me by. July #Bookspin
Don't you love it when writers slag off their contemporaries? Although the character saying these things is an obnoxious former publishing industry type, so maybe it's intended as a compliment to them😂
Shelter In Place has been described as a comic novel, but I must say I didn‘t find it laugh-out-loud funny. It doesn‘t quite manage to properly skewer the caricatures of the “elites”, and the satire is a bit too subtle for my taste. Still, humour (or lack thereof) aside, it‘s a quick and compelling read, one that points to the timely issues of privilege and progressive politics. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/new-releases/