I enjoyed a couple of the stories, but I wanted more from them. The title story was really good!
I enjoyed a couple of the stories, but I wanted more from them. The title story was really good!
A solid debut collection of 12 short stories that deal with all the fantastical and banal moments of human experience. Most of the stories are dark and bizarre, with an almost experimental feel. A couple of the stories left me feeling uneasy (borderline distressed), but I would still recommend.
This is between pick and so-so for me. The writing was beautiful at times but at others it was a bit much. Too flowery?... maybe. I‘m probably not describing that right. Anyway, I did like several of the stories, at least until their endings. I felt like too many of the stories ended right as they were really getting started, and the abruptness of their endings frustrated me.
#booked2020 #SetInIndia #catsoflitsy #Ember
I didn‘t care for the first half of this collection. I nearly bailed. It bordered fairytales/mythology (not for me), but still, I enjoyed “The Siege” about a captured princess.
The second half is set in modern Indian culture/diaspora, and I enjoyed several stories including one about a lesbian couple attending a wedding in India and another about explaining a miscarriage to a child (TW). The title story about a wildfire is very impressive. 3.25⭐️
1. The Art of War by Kelly Roman and A House is a Body by Shruti Swamy
2. A House is a Body
3. Probably, but I‘m not 100% sure yet.
I've never encountered a book of short stories where they were ordered from weakest to strongest. Swamy concentrates on moments of discomfort or crisis. An alcoholic artist meets Krishna, a woman watches a forest fire approach her home, a woman works as a laughter artist.
A collection of short stories from a promising writer, but I just couldn't connect with the characters. We need more books published by women and people of color, so I might be checking out her work in the future to support a clearly talented writer. But I probably won‘t be raving about this one. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #arc
Full review at http://erinkonrad.com/2020/08/09/a-house-is-a-body-book-review/