Nice touch at my neighborhood Starbucks.
Nice touch at my neighborhood Starbucks.
Hey everyone today I decided to read Afterparty. I was just going through some books I had and remembered I had it. Looking at the cover and reading the synopsis I think I will really end up liking this one. Have any of you read this one yet? If so did you enjoy it?
Whoa!!! The ending was pretty intense!!!
I feel it wasnt really dark in the beginning until I got to the end, it got pretty intense! I couldnt put it down, I had to know what happened till the end aha
From the beginning before I even read this I knew it was gonna be a pick, its somthing I would, and would refuse to read, and I still loved every minute of it, so good!!! 💖💖💖
I have half your chocolate duck left over from valentines day.
You bought me a chocolate duck?
Ok, it was a swan and it came in a silver bag. Is that sappy enough for you? But its missing its head and neck.
You decapitated my swan?
I was hungry."
Omg I love that quote!!! Honestly, I would do that too!!! ??????