Food Body (eBook) | Isha Foundation
Food has gotten complicated in the twenty-first century. Choosing our food is no longer about fruits, vegetables, grains and other such obvious ingredients. We now have to contend with calories (of two kinds no less – empty and non-empty), fat and protein content (protein also being of two kinds – protein from plants as opposed to protein from animals), confusing nutrition labels, and precise serving quantities. Added to this is the unruly flood of books, TV shows and nutrition experts proffering advice on the best kind of diet for you – Paleo diet, Vegan diet, Detox diet and so on so forth. This book is not meant to contribute much to that flood. Which is why it’s just 33 pages (with a lot of pictures, so you don’t have to do too much reading). There are tips and guidelines and a few nutritional facts, but the real essence of the book is epitomized by the title itself – Food Body. As Sadhguru says, “Food is about the body… To eat intelligently means to understand and supply the kind of fuel the body is designed for so that it can function at its best.” Food Body is a first step for you to tune into your body and figure out for yourself what suits you best. It opens up the opportunity to experience the true joy of eating, and the possibility for our food to be something more than just a means of physical sustenance. Interspersed with Sadhguru’s wisdom, the book looks at the kind of foods that the body is most comfortable with and explores the most appropriate ways of consuming such foods. It also touches on the latest research which reveals some shocking truths about foods we commonly consume. Look out for the “Did You Know?” and “Keep in Mind” sections which offer tips and interesting facts about food and ingredients, and be sure to try out the simple recipes at the end.