I loved this graphic novel! I remember watching Batman: the animated series when I was a kid and loving the character of Harley Quinn. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
I loved this graphic novel! I remember watching Batman: the animated series when I was a kid and loving the character of Harley Quinn. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
Another Beauty! 💖 When I think of Batman, I immediately picture the bright colourful comics, with hilariously bad puns, and big BAM 💥 POP and BOOM action word all over the place. The Dark Knight is great and all, but the classics hold my heart. This comic brought me back to that classic Batman feeling.
#RecommendedGraphics #GraphicNovels #Graphic #Comics #illustrated #LibraryLoans #MyPicks #LetaGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
Read this one last Saturday, and just realized that I didn't share any of the pics I took. I love this trio. Batman, The Joker, and Harley Quinn ❤️ This was a definite recommend for me, and I'll probably be rereading it again soon.
😳😳😳16 more library books today 😳😳😳
#theaddictionisreal #readALLthebooks @TricksyTails
Annnnnnnd gotta wrap it up with a bunch of comics. Because. Comics. #librarybookhaul #IMDONEIPROMISE #NOMOREOFTHESE #anyways #offtohideallthesebooksfrommom