Catching up on X-Men while waiting for Lawrence of Arabia to start!
Catching up on X-Men while waiting for Lawrence of Arabia to start!
6/150 This volume was a return to form, much better than the last volume. All the various plotlines advanced in satisfactory ways, although I don't think we needed two issues of the New Mutants on the Nebraska farm plotline. The best part of the volume was the meeting between Magneto, Xavier and the world economic leaders. It was very tense, but Magneto was almost comical with his blunt assessment of the situation. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I am disturbed by how...likable Apocalypse is in this. I don‘t know how successful these big geopolitical forces are with the mutant metaphor. It‘s interesting watching things develop, but it‘s feels unsustainable.
“Leverage people with debt. Make them pay to be healthy and whole. Make them pay to become educated. Make them pay you interest so that they can have a place to live. Then when you own them, you control them. I have seen what you do.” — Magneto