A mash up book that takes the author‘s experience with Adderall addiction, research about the drug, some literary and social science research ....
All that to say, this book lacks, well, focus.
A mash up book that takes the author‘s experience with Adderall addiction, research about the drug, some literary and social science research ....
All that to say, this book lacks, well, focus.
This is a memoir and social history mash up. The author started using Adderal, a drug to treat ADHD, in college. But she took it without being diagnosed. It‘s just one of those things college kids do, right? Then, ten years later, she was still addicted to the focused and invincible way it made her feel. Yet, kicking it also made sense. This memoir is her struggle to pick a side.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
I keep saying I‘m going to lighten up my picks. Then the book on the right comes in from the library. Although it deals with Adderall addiction, it‘s actually a LOT lighter than the book on the left. Kendzior is brilliant and insightful. But I might need to ingest in small bites (without bleach!)
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