...to make it look as if when we attack and destroy somebody we're really protecting and defending ourselves against major aggressors and monsters and so on.
...to make it look as if when we attack and destroy somebody we're really protecting and defending ourselves against major aggressors and monsters and so on.
So this was more of a tiny novella, about 100 pgs. It was first printed in 1991 and then reprinted in 2002. The author just dives right in and he mainly talks about us foreign affairs from way back with little background assuming you already know this stuff. Some of the questions he poses are thought provoking and he is definitely looking at it from different pov. I enjoyed it but found it needed more pages to keep me from getting lost.
I ♡ it when one book leads to to more books!
Up next on this beUtiful day in WI.
Slightly contradictory, otherwise a good quick read.
Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.