As gripping as the first one! A job well done
I‘m biased and fangirling: Back then I was so deeply impressed by the first one that I think it‘s impossible for me to dislike this one. And yeah, in terms of paper chase she did it again‼️ I also liked most of her characters and was surprised by the topic of the denouement. It‘s something that really deserves a serious look. So it‘s disappointing how quick, neat and loveless she treats her end. 💔
But until there: 😍. 👍🏼
Yepp, “Oh no!” is exactly what I thought @Andrew65 – that‘s why I changed again to my audiobook and made the self-made chocolate cake for comfort. I also wanted to add oat flakes but I forgot. 🤭 I can tell tomorrow if cake is an appropriate substitute for red wine 🍷.
Love it as you can plainly see: I already am more than halfway through.
Poznanski has written a captivating second edition. Many characters from the first novel appear – which I wouldn‘t notice if it wasn‘t explained. I like that. It‘s about 10 years ago that I read „Erebos“ so you know how much details of the plot I have forgotten. And of the end and it‘s showdown. The characters sometimes allude to that – and I have no clue. 😂 #24b4Monday
Changing medium because of audiocooking.
I am so much looking forward to this. 😍
Happy Friday and happy reading, all‼️
#24b4Monday, Lap 3
This being an accidental find in my online library I immediately put it on hold. 😃
Years ago the first “Erebos”-book (back than being a stand-alone) was also the first book I ever read by this author. I loved both, the author and her writing style and the plot, so it was a must to continue with the story in audiobook. I am massively looking forward to it and therefore might be a bit in a hurry with my current audiobook. 😇