Spotted at a Barnes & Noble in Ocala, FL.
Spotted at a Barnes & Noble in Ocala, FL.
Loved the story but the prose and dialogue was a bit stilted at times. Still, anytime an Indigenous woman gets revenge on white men, I‘m all in.
I finished this book in two days, I couldn‘t put it down. This is such an amazing book. I love reading books from Canadian authors about Canada. I loved that even though it was fiction the whole essence of the book is about indigenous culture. It had all the elements I love, romance, suspense and culture.
I love this cover. I found the writing didn‘t always hold me , but I was moved & fascinated by the story of Wren , a Cree woman , an artist who is pushed over the edge. Set in Saskatchewan I felt a sense of place & of deep sadness that an Indigenous woman could go missing & no one cared. Wren cared. Full of dreams , A dark fairytale feel to this one.
Wrens grandmother told her
“Education is the new buffalo” ❤️
Saskatchewan ✅ #ReadCanada