Review is up on my blog. Check it out. This is a good cozy mystery. Not my usual genre but I enjoyed it. https://reecaspieces.com/2020/04/13/house-of-lies-by-terry-lynn-thomas-tlthomasb...
Review is up on my blog. Check it out. This is a good cozy mystery. Not my usual genre but I enjoyed it. https://reecaspieces.com/2020/04/13/house-of-lies-by-terry-lynn-thomas-tlthomasb...
Having read the first two books in the series, I was looking forward to House of Lies. It didn‘t disappoint. It‘s nicely written and well paced with an intriguing plot. There are a few twists and turns which kept me turning the pages. I like the characters of Cat and Thomas and love revisiting their lives. These books are quite gentle reads but well worth taking the plunge. An enjoyable and entertaining historical mystery.