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Red Pill
Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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And with that, I‘ve finished all the main brackets of the #ToB21! This was a strange book that went in a direction I didn‘t expect. I almost put it aside about a quarter of the way in, but kept going and couldn‘t put it down for the middle third. I don‘t even know how to summarize it, but the series of events around the steady unraveling of the narrator are unsettling to say the least. Almost a pick, but not quite, though I‘m glad I read it.

BkClubCare I am mesmerized by the colors in the cover. Like what you did here. 3y
cariashley @BkClubCare I really can‘t take credit, I found this image on google and it was a perfect square size 😅 3y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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#ToB21 is on! While admitting that all play-in books are great, the judge voted for Red Pill, so that book will now enter the #ToB21. @Readerann and @Ruthiella will be thrilled with that outcome😉 but the majority of the #LitsyToB21 voted for The Resisters. So that's the one returning against The Vanishing Half. If you want to change your vote for this match because you now know what book The Vanishing Half is up against, please let me know below!

vivastory I am *shocked* that Gabino selected Red Pill. I follow him on social media & RP seemed like the least Gabino book of the 3 😂 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory I hadn‘t read any of them but based on reviews here I voted for The Resisters. I do think I will read Red Pill one day, I enjoyed Kunzru‘s (edited) 3y
vivastory I do think Red Pill is worth reading. The ending is incredible, but it felt like it took a long time to come together. 3y
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Ruthiella I‘m pleased with this judgment. Red Pill was not only my favorite of the play in round, but it is one of my top four for the whole short list. 3y
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella Really? That‘s quite a recommendation. I must really read it! 3y
Kalalalatja I have Red Pill ready on audio, so I‘ll have to give it a listen once I finish some of my other books. I‘m sad The Resisters didn‘t go forward, though! 3y
Readerann I honestly don‘t know anything about The Resistors 😁, but I read a short story in The New Yorker based on The Red Pill and found it intriguing. 3y
BkClubCare @BarbaraBB - Sadly, I barely remember White Tears but my review says I really liked it. 3y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - that IS quite an endorsement. 😊 3y
cariashley I‘m a little disappointed about Red Pill - I wasn‘t super excited about reading it, I did not love the only other Kunzru I‘ve read (Gods Without Men), but have it out from the library and will give it a shot. After I finish We Ride Upon Sticks! 3y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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Our nameless male protagonist heads to Berlin for a fellowship at the Deuter Center. The Center's open office plan & intrusive surveillance quickly puts the narrator at odds with the staff & the other residents. He frequently avoids others while at the Center, preferring to spend his days visiting the grave of Romantic poet Kleist & wandering around. He soon becomes obsessed with a streaming procedural cop show with the telling title Blue Lives👇

vivastory He hate watches it, & as his obsession grows his fellowship becomes endangered, as does his marriage. He was reluctant to accept the fellowship but did so to help him work through his mid-life crisis. Our narrator is a liberal who is troubled by the problems he sees around him. He feels a crippling anxiety about increased international conflicts (the refugee crisis, ISIS, etc.). The title is of course a nod to The Matrix & in Kunzru's 3y
vivastory novel the red pill represents the threat of the alt right for our narrator. I can't go into very many details without spoilers, I feel as though I have already spoiled a lot, however one of the most unsettling aspects of the novel is the way in which Kunzru examines identity & questions of the self. In numerous sections, & with varying degrees of success, he illustrates this problem. Numerous weighty issues are addressed in Red Pill: privacy, 3y
vivastory self-identity, the rise of extremism in contemporary society. Certain issues are addressed more successfully than others. Although Red Pil doesn't reach the heights that White Tears did, & it can be occasionally frustrating, there are moments of brilliance & the ending took my breath away. 3y
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MsMelissa Your review has sold me. Stacked! 3y
Reggie I stacked it but you are selling it hardcore. Wow! 3y
vivastory @Book_Fiend_Melissa @Reggie I had conflicting feelings about it. In the span of 20 pages towards the end I went from hating it to loving it 😄 3y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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This is a case of me really liking a book that feels smarter than I am. A left-leaning academic with imposter syndrome heads to a German writers retreat with instructions from his wife to come back happy. He doesn‘t. Along the way we hear about Kleist‘s suicide, the insidiousness of the Stasi, the East German underground music scene, a fictitious cop show, and the alt right‘s internet presence.

Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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I have less than 70 pages left & I honestly don't know what to make of Kunzru's latest. There are certainly flashes of brilliance, but it also feels frustratingly unfocused at times.

BarbaraBB I‘ll wait with this one until it benomen the play-in in the #tob20. If not, I‘ll take a pass I think. 3y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I loved White Tears so it's a bit frustrating. 3y
BarbaraBB Me too, but reviews about this one are so mixed! 3y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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So far this book has so much going on. There are allusions (I think to Wonderland and The Matrix) wrapped in.... something. I need time to process.

Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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Pick for depth but this is not for everyone.

Hari Kunzru writes a philosophical novel that would probably take three PhDs for me to get to the heart of, but I grasped some of what he was trying to do. I know he's been interested in the rise of fascism and it is the narrator's inability to argue his way out of it, the lack of the tools to see good triumph over evil, that will stick with me the most.↘️

ReadingEnvy I felt in particular that the ending was a strong move and put everything that happened up until that point in a different light. The narrator is not an easy person to root for, whether it's narcissism or just academic self-absorption (and really the book raises the question if there is really any difference.) His poor wife.↘️ 4y
ReadingEnvy I did feel reluctant to return to this one. I loved White Tears but I think in that novel I was more in sync with the focus of the ideas behind the story, whereas in this one I was less so. And how many books must I read in a row where the author manufactures a few characters and a plot in order to explore ideas? Is this a phase fiction is going through right now? I am resistant even if Kunzru does this with more mastery than most.↘️ 4y
ReadingEnvy This is on the Tournament of Books long list although I would have read it regardless. But Kunzru explores some of the dank dark corners that I'm not happy to know about, and now that I do I can never unlearn them. He forces the reader to join him and I'm not sure I consent to it, but it's too late. 4y
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Reggie Jeez, stacked just because I feel there‘s a challenge in this review. 4y
ReadingEnvy @Reggie it is certainly challenging! I would love to see your take on it. 4y
Centique Wow the way you describe this is 🤯🤯 Excellent and thoughtful review. Might be a step too far for me though! 3y
ReadingEnvy @Centique in the right mood it would be the perfect read 3y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru

OMG I found this book absolutely unsettling and haunting. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Like, I'd put the book down and I'd just feel so uncomfortable for hours. I absolutely must read his backlist, bc this and White Tears both blew me away.

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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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Squee! Just starting. I understand this is the second of three interlinked books he's writing, the first being white tears. That book ripped my brain open so I'm absolutely dying to get into this one.

vivastory I loved White Tears, I can't wait to read this one! Hope to read in the next week 4y
Ruthiella White Tears blew me away too! I‘ve yet to pick up this new one, however. 4y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru
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Listened to this one on #audiobook. A novel in 5 parts that are well delineated. The second part which details the story of a minor character seems unimportant to the central narrative, but it was my favorite part. Lots of angst off the 2016 US presidential election, so timely for me. I liked it but it was slow to start and too esoteric in places.