A story of a planned military coup. Not nerve-wracking at all. It was a lot more thoughtful and less action-oriented than I expected. This was written in 1962 and reflects the attitudes of the time.
A story of a planned military coup. Not nerve-wracking at all. It was a lot more thoughtful and less action-oriented than I expected. This was written in 1962 and reflects the attitudes of the time.
Confession: I saw the movie years ago, only just now read the novel. Even knowing the characters and the ending, I found this novel about a coup to overthrow the government tightly written and full of suspense. The events depicted struck me as entirely plausible. Even though this novel was first published 59 years ago and communications technology is much more advanced now, the novel is quite contemporary.
Re-read an old favorite. The pages of my copy are so old they‘re orange, not just yellow! Love this book but will never forget the first time I read it. ❤️❤️
No #politicalfiction on the shelves here, but Seven Days in May, although an oldie, is still my favorite. Scary as all get out. And best #photoadaynov16 for today has to be my I voted sticker.