Dana: “I‘m running from boredom, from a failed marriage, from a failed life, from a workd I can‘t stand anymore...”
Dana: “I‘m running from boredom, from a failed marriage, from a failed life, from a workd I can‘t stand anymore...”
Marketed as a thriller which I‘m not sure that‘s quite right. It‘s more of character driven, near future, bridge between an eco drama and science fiction. As soon as I figure out a better genre lable... until then just know I‘m really enjoying it!
This guy‘s third book. It‘s never being too late to follow your dreams. For decades stories percolated in his imagination. Military career followed by a career as a contractor & then a teenage lifetime serving his community on civic boards & even mayor of his town. Then, he stopped thinking about it and just wrote his novels. They are straight forward writing with real characters. Not fancy or great literature but I enjoy them.