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The Shards of Heaven
The Shards of Heaven | Michael Livingston
4 posts | 6 read | 7 to read
Julius Caesar is dead, assassinated on the senate floor, and the glory that is Rome has been torn in two. Octavian, Caesar's ambitious great-nephew and adopted son, vies with Marc Antony and Cleopatra for control of Caesar's legacy. As civil war rages from Rome to Alexandria, and vast armies and navies battle for supremacy, a secret conflict may shape the course of history. Juba, Numidian prince and adopted brother of Octavian, has embarked on a ruthless quest for the Shards of Heaven, lost treasures said to possess the very power of the gods-or the one God. Driven by vengeance, Juba has already attained the fabled Trident of Poseidon, which may also be the staff once wielded by Moses. Now he will stop at nothing to obtain the other Shards, even if it means burning the entire world to the ground. Caught up in these cataclysmic events, and the hunt for the Shards, are a pair of exiled Roman legionnaires, a Greek librarian of uncertain loyalties, assassins, spies, slaves . . . and the ten-year-old daughter of Cleopatra herself. Michael Livingston's The Shards of Heaven reveals the hidden magic behind the history we know, and commences a war greater than any mere mortal battle.
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The Shards of Heaven | Michael Livingston
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I just really really didn't like this book. The writing was full (FULL) of clichés, the characters were flat, and the plot was boring. Selene was cool and about the only character I really cared about, but she was weirdly sexualized in the second half of the novel--she's TEN for goodness' sake! Anyway. UGh. I hate being negative. On to a new book!

The Shards of Heaven | Michael Livingston
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I loooove maps in books!! 🗺😍This one is of ancient Alexandria.

LazyOwl Awesome, me too. I like to refer back to maps when I'm reading the book 8y
LeahBergen And I get really irked if a book needs one and doesn't have one! 8y
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The Shards of Heaven | Michael Livingston
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I can't decide what to read next!! 😣I've been in book limbo for a whole 24 hours now. I think I've narrowed it down to one of these 5? But maybe not ahaha, none of them are really calling to me. And it has to be a good airplane book because I've got a flight tonight! Help?

Foxyfictionista I've never heard of any of these so I probably won't be very helpful. The Shards of Heaven sounds interesting though and you chose that as the book to post this under so maybe you've subconsciously chosen it already? I would probably choose the one that would fit best in my carry-on though. Good luck and have a great trip! 😊 8y
Redwritinghood Likewise, I haven't read these so not sure what to recommend, but hope you have a good trip. 8y
annkuch13 I always hear good things about Berg. I haven't read that one but that's what I would pick! 8y
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Chachic Magic Rises! But I also loved The Piper's Son.💖 Have you read Saving Francesca? 8y
missevievelyn @Foxyfictionista Thanks!! 😊That's true, maybe my subconscious is leading me towards Shards of Heaven... 8y
missevievelyn @Redwritinghood Thank-you! 😊 8y
missevievelyn @annkuch13 yeah I've been really excited to read the Berg book! But I've heard the first chunk is extremely slow so I'm not sure about it for an airplane trip.... I guess the plane would force me to get through it though haha 😆 8y
missevievelyn @Chachic yes! Ive read everything by Marchetta except The Piper's Son. I've kind of been saving it so I can always have a Marchetta book in reserve haha. Maybe now's the time to read it though... 8y
Chachic Piper and Jellicoe are my favorite Marchettas! I haven't read her latest one, saving it up for when I'm in the mood for an emotional read.😂 8y
tirebyter Well, Shards of Heaven is the only one on my TBR, so that would be my choice. But then a Marchetta is rarely a disappointment. 8y
missevievelyn @tirebyter I think I'm definitely leading towards reading shards of heaven! 8y
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The Shards of Heaven | Michael Livingston
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Credit also to Thomas Olde Heuvelt. Met these two at the Miami #supercon yesterday. They were very cool and can't wait to start reading. And if I can work up the nerve I'll pick up Hex afterwards :)